Tree removal: Two pine tree in the north cul-de-sac were removed because they they had a fungus and were past the point of recovery. The Association has identified and tagged a replacement tree at WW Tree Farms, a Live Oak, with the expenditure pending approval by the owners.
A Cedar elm was also removed from the cul-de-sac. Three trees were interfering with each other. The cedar elm was in the
middle. It was removed helps to allow the canopies of the other two fill out..
Roof and Car Clearance: Several trees were backed off of roofs to prevent roof damage. Limbs were raised in the exit alley and by the south mailbox area to prevent the scratching of cars.
Pruning/Shaping: Major cosmetic pruning was completed on the large trees at 122, 1901, 1922 Wilshire and 101 (mailbox area), 1613, 1622 (vacant lot), 1623 Brentwood.