The 2015 Annual Meeting was held on March 26th and April 30th at the West Irving Library. On-line voting is from May 11th - May 22nd.
Topics discussed included the renovating of the home exteriors with Hardiplank starting in 2017, installing pet stations, lamp post repairs, architectural control (fences), a community BBQ, garage sales, adding trees to the community, lamp post repairs, available directors seats, the Irving City grant received, and the 183 expansion project.
One homeowner in favor of the Hardiplank said:
This siding is completely rot and insect resistant, it comes with a 50 year warranty. If we go with a colored product, the colors are typically accompanied by a 10 to 15 year warranty on the finish. Fiber cement is fire resistant ~ April 30th Owners Meeting.
Another homeowner not in favor of the Hardiplank said:
I would strongly NOT recommend replacing the siding on all the homes with Hardiplank. There are better alternatives out there. I just replaced the hardiplank siding on my home (located outside of the community) due to the siding being damaged by wind and hail. One of the problems with hardiplank is that it is only fastened at the top and not at the bottom of the board. The boards I had on the side of my house were loose and started sagging with gaps between them after just a few months from installation. The nails when driven into the board can shatter the nail area and leave a deep nail hole if the nail gun and installer are not familiar with the Hardiplank. Older hardiplank boards become brittle and will shatter easily when you try to renail. ~ Owner write in, April 19th
Another homeowner in favor said:
It will increase property values ~ April 30th Owners Meeting.
Another homeowner not in favor said:
The replacement of all siding to any material will be very expensive ~ April 30th Owners Meeting.
Pet stations were discussed as a way to help address the animal waste on the property. The idea had mixed reviews with some members wanting to make it easier for pet owners and some suggesting that non-pet owners should not have to share the cost. A pet tax was raised but the board said their was no provision to do this in the covenants as they are now written.
Concern over the poor architectural control of the fences was raised. It was the consenseus of the room to add an amendment to ad violation fines.
Anna Lankford announced that the community has once again received an Irving City grant to help build community.