Is the community on the right path: The association scored in the green/yes segment for the third year in a row (see chart). Only three owners voted in the "not so much" or "no" categories.
Assessments for 2019: Assessments will be $316 a quarter, comprised of
- $283.00 to cover mandatory expenses and reserves (a 4% increase over last year),
- $10.57, a one year bump to cover the costs for the installation of security cameras in the mail room, and
- $22.86, a two year bump of to cover the cost of an automated traffic gate.

Mandatory engineering and reserve study: The 2018 long term capital spending plan (2019 - 2040) was approved by a vote of 84%, with 16% voting for the hiring of an outside engineering firm to redo the study.

Board of Director's initiatives
Amendment 1: Towing anyone who street parks (without notice) was approved with a 69% majority of the voters, but represented only 38% of all owners. This is a fire safety initiative. No action will be taken until the board circulates the protocol to owners.
Security Camera. Owners approved security cameras for the mail room in a vote, 64% to 36%. This is a security initiative.
Owner's initiatives
Amendment 2: Violation Fines were approved with a 71% majority of those voting, but represented only 39% of all owner. The fine protocol that was approved is outlined here:

Gate: An exit gate was approved 62% to 38%. The gate will block foot and vehicle traffic and owners will open it from a device in our cars. This would end walk-through and drive-through traffic in the community. This is final resolution on a 4 year discussion on "gate or no gate" and "entry or exit" gate with 69% agreeing that we should accept the decision of the majority. The entry "gate arms" will remain in place to make it clear that the subdivision is private roadway (not public).
Directors: Robert Bauer (re-elected), Joeddie Cotledge (elected to first term), Brenda Madison (board member in the past), Jesse Mitchell (re-elected), and Ron Olson (elected to first term). The directors will meet and elect who will serve as officers on April 30th.

Owners opinion questions
Community security camera network: 75% of voters were interested in exploring this idea. A discussion blog has been opened here:

BBQ and/or Christmas Party: 60% of voters were interested in doing this this year. A discussion blog has been opened here:

Bookkeeper Performance: 77% had no opinion or were favorable of Guardian Management. Twelve rated the bookkeeper as "not good".
Parking penalty: 37 approve, 17 no
Violations fines: 36 approve, 15 no
Budget: 34 ratify, 17 abstain
Security camera: 27 approve, 15 no
Install a gate in 2019 - add $2.63 per week in 2018 , 15
Install a gate in 2020 - add $1.32 per week in 2018, 2019, 12
Install a gate in 2021 - add $0.88 per week in 2018, 2019, 2020, 3
Install a gate in 2022 - add $0.66 per week in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 1
Install a gate in 2023 - add $0.53 per week in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 1
No gate, please, 20
Gate location:
Gate at the entry, 17
Gate at the exit, 28
Gate dislikes:
I am prepared to go with the majority choice, 33
Strong feelings against an entry gate, 10
Strong feelings against an exit gate, 5
Help with surveillance cameras
I will help, 11
Agree, 26
Not great, 12
Summer BBQ and/or Christmas Party
I will help, 10
Agree, 29
Not great, 10
Bookkeeper review
No opinion , 13
Good, 27
Not great, 12
Directors: Only winners announced per Community Associations Institute standards
Community on right path: 24 yes, 16 for the most part, 10 not sure, 2 not so much, 1 no
Election monitoring and counting: Joe Sandifer of Precision Management and Candi Gianuzzi (retired board member) independently monitored the election and counted the votes separately of each other. After the polls closed, the monitors/counters compared results, performed recounts where they deemed appropriate, certificated the tally and edited/approved a draft of this report. The ballots (in a signed and sealed envelope as per state law) will be delivered to the acting-President, Jesse Mitchell, for archiving.