Over 2,100 sq feet of siding was replaced this year on the east side of Wilshire (12 homes). This does not include an additional 550 sq feet that the residents at 1918-1920 purchased in addition to the community contract. This compares to 334 sq feet of siding that was replaced on west side of the street in 2009 - a 700% increase.
The homes had a lot of painted over damage from years past. One of the worst areas was 1920 Wilshire (see photo) where the siding was open and taking on water in more than 10 locations. 2011 was the first year of the Association made repairs to the rear of the buildings as part of the annual painting. The damages on the rear of the building was relatively minor as most homes have trees protecting the backs of the homes from the elements.
This is also the second year that the Association conducted spot repairs throughout the community to clean up small and highly visible damages. Small repairs were made to 101, 107, 109, 111, 115, 117, 119, 121, 1524, and 1526 Brentwood and 1919 and 2005 Wilshire. There were several areas on Brentwood Court that were taking on water and we wanted to stop the damage from spreading and creating a more expensive future repair for the Association. This was especially important for Brentwood Ct as it is not scheduled to be painted until 2014.
The 1500 block of Brentwood is scheduled to be painted and repaired in 2012.