Is the Community on the Right Path Overall, the community scored a "2" on a scale of 1-5. Only five owners voted in the "not so much" or "no" categories.
Assessments: $272 a quarter, comprised of $266 to cover mandatory expenses and reserves and a one year bump of $6.00 to cover the costs for the installation of a new mail station. 29% of voters abstained, rather than approve, the mandatory expenses.

Directors: Robert Bauer (re-elected), Joel Kern (first term), Jesse Mitchell (first term), Randy Ranew (re-elected), David Schneider (serving second year of two year term). The directors will meet and elect who will serve as officers.
Mail station: 43% voted for new mailboxes at the garage (the majority preferring the automated door option), 31% for new mailboxes at the current location, and 26% voted to do nothing or just replace the one ugly box put in place by the Post Office which is old and doesn't match the rest.

Exit gate: The initiative from the annual meeting to install an automated exit gate lost with 58% voting against and 42% in favor.
Amendment 1: No Street Parking was approved with a 78% majority.
Amendment 2: Violation Fines was approved with a 67% majority.
Infrastructure: Repair Garage Foundation - approved with a 85% majority.
Infrastructure: Repair Parameter Fence - - approved with a 93% majority.
21st-century crime watch: 85% of voters were interested. 20 volunteered to help. A discussion blog has been opened here:

BBQ and/or Christmas Party: 82% of voters were interested. 8 volunteered to help. A discussion blog has been opened here:

Bookkeeper Performance: 47% had no opinion. Of those with an opinion, 89% were favorable of Guardian Management.
Ballots: 68
Parking Penalty: 53 approve, 15 no
Violations fines: 45 approve, 22 no
29 security upgrade at garage (23 all new+garage+opener, 6 all new+garage)
21 security upgrade at cul-de-sac (all new+local)
16 no security upgrade (12 buy 1 old style box, 4 do nothing )
Garage Foundation Repair: 57 approve, 10 no
Parameter Fence Repair 63 approve, 5 no
Budget: 38 ratify, 20 abstain
Exit gate: 13 for 2017, 1 for 2018, 12 for 2019, 36 no
Directors: Only winners announced per Community Associations Institute standards
Crime watch: 20 will help, 33 agree, 9 no
BBQ & Christmas Party: 8 will help, 43 agree, 11 no
Bookkeeper: 32 good, 32 no opinion, 4 not great
Community on right path: 26 yes, 23 for the most part, 13 not sure, 4 not so much, 1 no